
尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!专家库

赵英汝 能效工程研究所所长







3)受邀担任国际期刊Energies特刊Fuel Cell Systems Design and Control客座编辑

4)受邀担任国际期刊Frontiers in Energy Research编辑(Topic Editor)


ang, W., Zhao, Y.*, Liso, V., Brandon, N. Optimal Design and Operation of A Syngas-fuelled SOFC Micro-CHP System for Residential Applications in Different Climate Zones in China, Energy and Buildings, 2014, in press, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2014.05.015.

Yang, W., Li, N., Zhao, Y. Research and Design of Technology Readiness Levels Evaluating System for Digital Instrumentation and Control System, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 448-453 (2014) pp 3629-3634.


Yang, W., Li, N., Zhao, Y. System Architecture Design for Technology Readiness Assessment of NPPs’ Digital I&C,  WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies,  Vol. 49, (2014) pp1441-1448.

Zhao, Y., Sadhukhan, J., Lanzini, A., Brandon, N., Shah, N. Optimal Integration Strategies for A Syngas Fuelled SOFC and Gas Turbine Hybrid System, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 196, Pages 9516-9527, 2011.

Zhao, Y., Shah, N., Brandon, N. Comparison between two optimization strategies for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell-Gas Turbine hybrid cycles, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 36, Pages 10235-10246, 2011.

Zhao, Y., Shah, N., Brandon, N. The development and application of a novel optimisation strategy for solid oxide fuel cell-gas turbine hybrid cycles, Fuel Cells, Vol. 10, Pages 181-193, 2010.

Liso, V., Zhao, Y., Brandon, N., Nielsen, M.P., K?r, S.K. Heat-to-Power Ratio analysis of a SOFC based micro CHP system for residential application under different climates, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 36, Pages 13715-13726, 2011.

Zhang, X., Su, S., Chen, J., Zhao, Y., Brandon, N. A new analytical approach to evaluate and optimize the performance of an irreversible solid oxide fuel cell-gas turbine hybrid system, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 36, Pages 15304-15312, 2011.

Sadhukhan, J., Zhao, Y., Leach, M., Brandon, N., Shah, N. Energy Integration and Analysis of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Based Microcombined Heat and Power Systems and Other Renewable Systems Using Biomass Waste Derived Syngas, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 49, Pages 11506-11516, 2010.

Sadhukhan, J., Zhao, Y., Shah, N., Brandon, N. Performance analysis of integrated biomass gasification fuel cell (BGFC) and biomass gasification combined cycle (BGCC) systems, Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 65, Pages 1942-1954, 2010.

Zhao, Y., Chen, J. Modeling and optimization of a typical fuel cell–heat engine hybrid system and its parametric design criteria, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 186, Pages 96-103, 2009.

Zhao, Y., Ou, C., Chen, J. A new analytical approach to model and evaluate the performance of a class of irreversible fuel cells, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 33, Pages 4161-4170, 2008.

Zhao, Y., Chen, J. An irreversible Otto heat engine with friction and heat leak losses and its parametric optimum criteria, Journal of the Energy Institute, Vol. 81, Pages 54-58, 2008.

Lin, T., Zhao, Y., Chen, J. Expressions for Entropy Production Rate of Fuel Cells, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 21, Pages 361-366, 2008.

Lin, B., Zhao, Y., Chen, J. Parametric optimum analysis of an irreversible Ericsson cryogenic refrigeration cycle working with an ideal Fermi gas, Pramana-Journal of Physics, Vol. 70, Pages 779-795, 2008.

Zhao, Y., Chen, J. Optimum performance analysis of an irreversible Diesel heat engine affected by variable heat capacities of working fluid, Energy Conversion And Management, Vol. 48, Pages 2595-2603, 2007.

Zhao, Y., Chen, J. Performance analysis of an irreversible Miller heat engine and its optimum criteria, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 27, Pages 2051-2058, 2007.

Zhao, Y., Chen, J. An irreversible heat engine model including three typical thermodynamic cycles and their optimum performance analysis, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 46, Pages 605-613, 2007.

Zhao, Y., Lin, B., Chen, J. Optimum criteria on the important parameters of an irreversible Otto heat engine with the temperature-dependent heat capacities of the working fluid, Journal of Energy Resources Technology-Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 129, Pages 348-354, 2007.

Zhao, Y., Lin, B., Zhang, Y., Chen, J. Performance analysis and parametric optimum design of an irreversible Diesel heat engine, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 47, Pages 3383-3392, 2006.

Zhao, Y., Chen, J. Performance analysis and parametric optimum criteria of an irreversible Atkinson heat-engine, Applied Energy, Vol. 83, Pages 789-800, 2006.

Chen, J., Zhao, Y., He, J. Optimization criteria for the important parameters of an irreversible Otto heat-engine, Applied Energy, Vol. 83, Pages 228-238, 2006.

李宁,杨文元,赵英汝,张彬彬 ,陈锦,一种系统技术成熟度评估方法和装置,发明专利公开,公布号CN 103391317 A ,公布日2013年11月13日,中华人民共和国国家知识产权局。




2019至今  厦门大学,能源学院,教授、博士研究生导师

2017–2018 厦门大学,国际合作与交流处,副处长(挂职)

2011–2018 厦门大学,能源研究院,副教授

2010–2011 伦敦帝国理工学院,化学工程系,博士后

2008–2010 伦敦帝国理工学院,地球科学与工程系,博士后

2003–2008 厦门大学,物理与机电工程学院,博士

1999–2003 厦门大学,物理与机电工程学院,本科


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